Indus Battle Royale: How Can it Change Indian Gaming Revolution?

Indus Battle Royale: How Can it Change Indian Gaming Revolution?

Indus Battle Royal: How Can it Change Indian Gaming Revolution?

If you are active on the internet and follow the gaming community, then you have probably heard about Indus Battle Royale, a game titled ‘India ka Apna Battle Royale’. With this tagline, it has become an intensely popular upcoming game in India, boasting over 8.5 million pre-registrations on the Play Store. Additionally, the game has become the most popular Indian game even before its release. It features other aspects that set it apart from other battle Royale games.


“Indus Battle Royale” is a battle royale game developed by ‘Super Gaming,’ a Pune-based studio known for titles such as Maskgun, Devil Amongst Us, and Tower Conquest. Maskgun stands out as one of their popular products, and now they present Indus. In 2022, the studio officially announced the Indus project, a cross-platform battle royale-style video game designed for PCs. Smartphones, and consoles. The studio is genuinely committed to Indu’s game, understanding that their step could reshape the Indian gaming industry, and they aim to fulfill the expectations of their supporters. I believe Indus has the potential to compete with other games in the same genre, such as BGMI, Call of Duty, and Fortnite. the game looks promising, and as a gamer, I can’t believe we are getting a game from India that will represent us on the world stage. Before this, the only game I knew from India was ‘Raji: An Ancient Epic’, a story-mode game known for its amazing animation, graphics, and style.

Founder and CEO

As I mentioned, Indus Battle Royale is developed by Super Gaming, one of India’s leading gaming companies founded by Roby John, Sanket Nadhani, Christelle D’cruz, Sreejit J, and Navneet Waraich. The studio was established back in 2019 in Pune, Maharashtra, India. Currently, Indus is being led by Roby John. His understanding of the game is truly appreciable; he has a vision and is incorporating minor details into the game based on player reviews during community playtests.

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What Sets This Game Apart from Others?

Firstly, What sets this gaming apart is its Indian origin. With countless battle royale games already available, one might question why they should play Indus. Unlike BGMI Players who share an emotional attachment with the game, continuing to play even after 5-7 years due to its nostalgic value, players don’t easily shift to other games. BGMI boasts a truly loyal fanbase, and even as the writer of this blog, I still play the game despite its waning popularity. Indus needs to create a similar bond with its users by providing a unique gaming experience, fostering loyalty like BGMI. Indus introduces distinctive features that may attract gamers, notably its setting in the Indus Valley civilization, known for advanced urban planning and intricate drainage systems. The game envisions the civilization as 1000 years advanced. Showcasing a unique art style, buildings, and textured coloring that contribute to its overall beauty.

What role does Cosmium play in the game?


Their main focus is on ‘cosmium,’ According to the studio, cosmium is an extraterrestrial energy that allows instantaneous travel across the galaxy. Yaksha, a proud and intelligent civilization, mastered the secrets of cosmium found on the floating Island Virlok. They tapped into its extra-dimensional energy to fulfill their needs. Using cosmium power, they created many portals to travel across the galaxy, becoming the first civilization to do so. Utilizing these portals, they suddenly disappeared, lost in the galaxy without a trace. Several millennia (1 millennium = 1000 years) passed, and all of the Yaksha’s portals were thought to be lost. However, a different civilization, coven a clandestine intergalactic civilization, discovered the last remaining portal. Faint whispers of cosmium on virlok drew their attention to these floating islands. In the right hands, cosmium can be used to control reality itself. Indus has named their player ‘myth walkers’-hired guns, adventures, and blank slates. Their mission is to learn the secrets of the Indus and explore the unknown for the coven. Apart from the story, cosmium serves as a way a win matches without being the last survivor.

In the game, it doesn’t have the typical ‘last-survivor-wins’ method. Instead, Indus offers the cosmium clutch option. Perhaps it will appear in the final zone of the game. Whoever collects the cosmium first will win the match, without needing to be the last survivor.

Impact on the Indian Gaming Industry

Since my childhood, I have played many games, and as I grew in gaming knowledge, I developed a love for mobile games, mostly were from different countries, with the majority from the US. However, somewhere in my mind, I always wished for games from India to be highly popular globally. Unfortunately, this never happened. While there are some games from India like ‘Raji’ and ‘Rogue Heist,’ they never gained the hype. Even though the developers of Raji tried their best, the games remained underrated. Indian gamers often resort to piracy, impacting gaming companies. Instead of purchasing players use tricks to get the game free. Several factors contribute to the slow growth of the Indian gaming industry. During the COVID period, when the Indian government banned all Chinese games and apps, including PUBG, which was immensely popular at the time, players had no other option but to shift.

After a few days, a gaming studio called nCore announced a game named ‘FAU-G,’ gaining intense hype as people compared it to PUBG. However, upon release, it shocked and disappointed the entire gaming community. Since then, people lost trust in games made in India, claiming that all Indian games are like FAU-G. This perception negatively impacted other games and companies. However, some studios are still working on promising projects like ‘Mumbai Gullies,’ ‘Indus Battle Royale,’ ‘Underworld Gangwars,’ ‘Mayanagri,’ and ‘occult chamber,’ which appear promising and have the potential to gain recognition on the world stage. If Indus becomes popular, it will encourage more Indian gaming studios to produce amazing games with different stories. If the games have potential, they will surely attract investment, bringing the day closer when India will also have multi-billion-dollar gaming companies.”

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