So the gta 6 trailer is officially now out, Actually earlier than it was expected because we were supposed to get trailer on december 5th in the morning but due to it being leaked by leakers we are now getting the trailer early today. So its obvious that you could have already watched the GTA trailer. Although you may may have seen the trailer but you probably have missed some hint. I’m going to show you 10 things that you may have missed in the trailer. I’m going to use screen shot instead of actual video due to copyrite issue.
1. Vice City return in GTA 6
The first few seconds of trailer shows you the actual map which is of course vice city that is wher GTA 6 is going to be based off which i’m personally very exited about. They are finally going to bring back vice city into the grand theft auto series but of course now in full HD quality. When you take a look at the first screen shot that they showed in the trailer as you can see here is the first view of the vice city map. As you can see there is the vice city in background.

2. Old GTA Brands Returning
The trafic on the road and the forground includes a variety of gta staples including trucks RVs boats and motorbikes and on the side of a semi we can see branding for Patriot the beer that first appeared in Grand Theft Auto 4 than after in GTA 5 now in GTA 6. The beer first appeared beign sold in a restaurant in gta 4. In gta 5 Patriot Beer is available in Rob’s Liquor, 24/7, and Limited Service stores.

3. The Maverick Helicopter Chopper
Further in video we see a helicoptor crossing the sky is a Maverick Helicoptor Chopper. The helicoptor maverick is basically identical to the maverick its police equivalent. Processing average speed and handling the vehicle seems to be slightly more responsive in pitch and as well as a slightly more soft skids. This chopper were first introduced in vice city and now they featured prominently in this trailer.

4. Vice City Dodo Plan
Also soaring across the skyline is a dodo plan which we first flew in vice city dildo mission. the dodo is a small plan which first appear in Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas. And a seaplan appeared in the enhanced version of Grand Theft Auto 5 and Grand Theft Auto Online. In the trailer plan has a large banner in tow that reads 919 vice city Y69 when you can 919 this is likely a riff on miamis real 1111 nightclub.
5. Real Life Building In-Game
The architechture along the beach and inthe following shot is also pure miami which of-course is the place upone which vice city is based while many building just following the real citys vibe there are others that are digital replicas of actual places for example to the right we can see a tower block with distinctive hole in its roof which is 500 brickell a twin tower condo development on briel avenue.

6. Social Media
Here lucia hanging on roof of a convertable car on the vice city highway meanwhile a guy films her from his car in the left hand lane as we’ll later see social media appears to be a significant part of GTA 6 and so maybe this is lucia’s attempt going viral on TikTok.

7. Miam’s Windwood
This area with its gorgeous street art and sweet rides could be GTA 6 reinvention of Miami’s Winwood neighborhood an outdoor museum that’s home to colorful murals craft breweries and a eclectic culture
8. New Color And Upgrade Of Nagasaki Carbon RS bike
Parked alongside these bike is what appears to be a new varient of the nagasaki carbon rs a bike that was initially exclusively available as part of GTA 5’s colloctor’s edition in GTA its only available in black but it looks like gta 6 will add new option such as this gray and white geometrick desgin.

9. Extremely Realistic Graphics
We switched to a rooftop party for an astonishing display of rockstar’s hair technology which falls and flows Realistically across her shoulders. Its not quite clear who this flicking hair but it could well be lucia herself her face moles and hairstyl don’t match what we saw earlier but that’s nothing a day at the salon can’t change if this is lucia then she’s definitely come into some money. That swim suit has SN logo of canta no an elite fashion brand that was first introduced in GTA 5.

10. Vice City Cuban Gang in GTA6
The guy riding on this truck wearing a red bandana tied around his neck which could be a reference to the cuban gang who wore similar bandana in the original vice city.

11. Real Life References In-Game
In this clip a LuchalibreFan page is live showing a clip of a terrifying woman with dual hammers is a direct reference to the viral video from Chatsworth Los Angeles a woman who went on a mini rampage with hammer in an effort to drive away her neighbor.

And in the last we see GTA 6 logo and announced the game release year 2025. We were all hoping for next year of course and we’ll want to brace ourself for a possible delay but atleat we know not to plan for it in 2024 and that new trailer will hopefully help tide us. Over on the ways to the full not revealed on the trailer but explained by a press released is that GTA 6 will released on playstation 5 and X box series X and S. Unsurprising rockstar has chosen to once again release only on console initially there no word on a PC release yet but if previous games are anythig to go by it’ll arrive the following year. And thats everything we spotted in Grand Theft Auto 6.

Read this article about GTA 6 map